pondělí 12. října 2015

Netherlands - Noorderhoofd of Westkapelle

Nearest Town or City:
Westkapelle, , Netherlands
Location: Zeeland, SW part of Holland on the North Sea.

Harder, Quirinus
This is the lage licht (low light/front range) for the Westkapelle hoge licht (high light/rear range). This is also the first & oldest steel, round tower in the Netherlands. (Thanks to Joost Keesing.)
Tower Height: 52
Height of Focal Plane: 65
Characteristic and Range: White flash every 10 seconds, w/red & green sectors, visible for 16 nautical miles.
Description of Tower: Round, steel. Red with a broad white band.
This light is operational
Date Established: 1875
Date Present Tower Built: 1875

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