pondělí 12. října 2015

Canada - Panmure Head Lighthouse

Built in 1853, located on the southwest extremity of Cardigan Bay. It marks the entrance to Georgetown Harbour, on the east coast of Prince Edward Island. It is connected by highway with the mainland on the South across a sand beach.A lot of changes were made to the light stations and new things were being added as science got more advanced.The light tower was constructed in 1853. It had a wooden octagonal tower. This light was used as a coast light serving considerable steamer, schooner, and fishing boat traffic. In 1909, the dwelling was built. It was reconstructed in 1958 as the building disintegrated over the years. It was made as a one and half storey. In 1908, the fog alarm building was put together. It consisted of a wooden frame structure. The garage was also built and it also consisted of a wooden frame structure.  The lighthouse was the dwelling home of lightkeeper George Creed (1946-1981).In 1986, they had three options with regard to Panmure Island lighthouse: the first being that they rent it with a maximum lease of five years; the second being that they sell it with the building being removed from the property; and the third being that they sell it complete with a parcel of land. They chose that it would be sold as it would not be preserved as well if rented out to different people. As of 2013, the lighthouse has been sold.At present, the machinery at the Panmure Island lighthouse is operated electrically.Height in meters above ground: 18.6

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